Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I have been chosen as a recipient of this year’s 100 Outstanding Women of Broward County for the second consecutive year. I am honored and grateful for this selection. Yet, I honestly don't consider myself outstanding. I consider myself to be an ordinary woman who is blessed to have the opportunity to help people through Team National live an outstanding life. I feel as if the award really should be about Team National and not about me individually.

Team National is an outstanding company, with an extended family of likeminded people helping other people live outstanding, extraordinary lives through the method of direct selling. The optional earnings program gives ordinary individuals of all races, backgrounds and age, the ability to have extraordinary income and life choices. Team National is truly outstanding. It helps people everyday live a more fulfilled life with our terrific membership savings and our awesome optional earnings program.

Team National, is a family-owned direct sales company and it gives me an opportunity to meet a variety of individuals locally and all over the U.S. I believe in sharing our success and helping the community we live in. I am happy to help great organizations like the Boys & Girls Club of Broward County and the Humane Society of Broward County. The staff at these organizations are outstanding folks, well done all!

I am blessed and honored to run our family business and to help others live extraordinary lives. I am humbled by this terrific award. Yet, I believe it is the Team National company and family of sales leaders that are outstanding! Thank you and God Bless.